Pack the Bus
August 10th
8 am-6 pm
Area HEB Stores & New Braunfels Farmers Market
The countdown to the new school year has begun and Dr. Brandon wants to help make sure that our local students are prepped and ready to get back in the swing of things. This year, Dr. Brandon and the Treetop team are teaming up with Communities in Schools to provide new school supplies for thousands of New Braunfels and surrounding area students. With the help of our awesome Patients and Parents, Dr. Brandon and the team know that together we can do our part to make sure that every student starts of the year with everything they need.
The Pack the Bus event is scheduled for Saturday, August 10th at all local HEB stores and the New Braunfels Farmers Market. The Walnut Avenue HEB location will also have members from the CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health System and the Comal County Health Department on hand to provide immunizations at no cost.
In addition, throughout the month of July, Treetop Pediatric Dentistry will be collecting donations on behalf of Communities in Schools (CIS). CIS has provided a detailed list of the “Most Needed Items”. If you would like to contribute any of the following items, our collection box is available anytime Monday through Friday, 8-5pm.
Most Needed Items:
1” & 2” binders
Large and Small backpacks
WIDE RULED composition books
Low-odor dry erase markers
Plastic and regular folders with brad and pockets
Binder divider tabs
Washable markers
Fiskar scissors
Colored (map) pencils
Pencil bags (with reinforcements)
Pencil boxes
Construction paper
Manila paper

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